
Learn More About Hematuria and
Our Effective Treatment Options

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Hematuria can be alarming, but is effectively treated by our physicians.

Hematuria is a medical condition wherein the urine that is produced by the body contains blood. Usually, the condition is noticed by the patient right away because they can see that their urine has changed in color from clear or pale yellow to either pink or dark red.

  • This type of hematuria is referred to by the medical community as “gross hematuria.”
  • There are times when the amount of blood in the urine is too small to be seen by the naked eye, which is referred to as “microscopic hematuria.”


There are several causes of hematuria. One possible cause is an infection of the bladder, kidneys, or urinary tract that has gone untreated for an extensive amount of time. Sometimes, diabetics who have trouble healing can develop the condition with a minor infection when their blood sugar level isn’t properly maintained. Sexually transmitted diseases can also be a major contributor, as well as trauma to the kidneys, bladder, or urinary tract from the heavy impact of a car accident or blow to the body from an attack. There are also some types of chronic illnesses that can cause blood in the urine, such as kidney failure or bladder cancer.




Many patients are able to let their doctor know that something is wrong because they can see that their urine has changed in color. But in cases of microscopic hematuria, it is important to look for other symptoms as well. The symptoms produced depend on what the underlying cause of the condition is. For example, an injured kidney, bladder, or urinary tract could cause pain on either side of the lower back and in the abdominal region. If the cause of blood in the urine is an infection, then a fever, weakness, and general feeling of malaise would be present. Frequent urination and pain or discomfort when urinating is also common.


The way that blood in the urine is treated in a patient also depends on what is causing the condition. Doctors will generally begin the treatment process with a urine test to verify the color of the urine and the amount of blood that is in it. They will also check it for signs of an infection. If a sexually transmitted disease is suspected to be the cause, a round of antibiotics will be prescribed after performing an examination of the genitals to look for signs of a rash, foul odor, or yellow or green discharge.

In cases of trauma from an accident or blow to the body, surgery may be needed to repair any possible tears or punctures in the kidneys, bladder, or urinary tract that are causing blood to leak into the urine. Kidney failure treatment often begins with dialysis, which helps remove the toxins from the blood, so the kidneys can heal. Additionally, bladder cancer may require chemotherapy or other medications.